Acupuncture & Chiropractic
“Life is short, Time is fleeting. Uncover the true nature
Purify the mind and heart to attain happiness. Be kind; be compassionate.
Be generous; do good. Concentrate. Understand. Awaken.”
From Heart of Buddha
A Place of holistic Health and Well being


We sincerely apologize to notify that Ayodhya Holistic and Pomona Wellness Center are currently closed until further notice. Our location in Claremont, Mintleaf Thai Massage, is open. Please call for an appointment at


Mint Leaf Thai Massage
ADDRESS : 250 W. First St. Suite 148, Claremont, CA 91711
CONTACT : Phone : 909.506.4033 | Text : 909.399.0200
OPEN DAILY :  10:00am – 8:00pm

Traditional Thai Massage
60 mins: $55 | 90 mins: $70

Traditional Thai massage is an ancient form of healing dating back over 2,500 years, with its roots in yoga, Ayurvedic medicine and meditation.
This unique and complete system combines rhythmic massage, acupressure, gentle twisting and deep stretching; releases tension and stress; increases vitality, prevents illness, and creates wholeness and harmony of the mind, body and spirit.
Thai massage is performed on a floor mat, without oil, and the recipient is dressed in loose clothing.

East-West Combination Massage
60 mins: $55 | 90 mins: $70

An east meets west technique that combines the best of Swedish and Thai massage modalities. Special oils and lotion are applied to reduce friction and allow smooth strokes and kneading of muscle tissue. This method is used to improve circulation, relieve muscle pain and tension, increase flexibility and induce relaxation.

Couple Massage 60 mins: $120

About Dr. Butts

Dr. M. Butts, B.A. 2001 UC Riverside, Doctor of Chiropractic 2005 and M.S.A.O.M. 2007 Southern Cal. Univ. of Health Sciences. Dr. Butts is a wonderful, gentle, caring, professional whose purpose is to heal as many people as possible with his engaging bedside manner. Having successfully treated literally thousands of patients over the years, he is truly loved by all. Knowlegeable about numerous chiropractic techniques, he has experience with sports injuries and nutrition. Dr. Butts personally believes in a natural, healthy lifestyle and regularly practices exercise therapy, tai chi, yoga and a healthy diet.

Accepting Most PPO ins
BS of Ca
Memorial Care
Medicare (Chiro)

Pomona Wellnesscenter Plus Presentation 1
Pomona Wellnesscenter Plus Presentation 2
Pomona Wellnesscenter Plus Presentation 3

Phone : 909.461.6313
Email :


131 W. Willow St.
Pomona, CA 91768

Open Hours

Tue – Sun: 10am – 8pm
( Appointment Only )

Connect With Us


Please visit our sister shop

Mint Leaf

Thai Body Works & Natural Products
250 W. First Street, Suite 148
Claremont, CA 91711.
(909) 399-0200

Mon-Sun: 10am – 8pm

Our sister shop

Ayodhya Thai Holistic Therapy

Pomona Wellness Center Plus will be opening in September 2018. More to come soon!
1455 Indian Hill Blvd. Pomona, CA 91767
909-447-1445 | 909-294-1099
Open Daily 10 am – 9pm
( Appointment Recommended )

Our Partner


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